Chi Siamo
Ti aiutiamo a pianificare il tuo viaggio
Siamo un’agenzia turistica specializzata in escursioni in tutta la Sicilia Orientale.
La passione per la Sicilia e l’ospitalità caratterizzano il nostro team.
Grazie a queste caratteristiche unite alla professionalità e alla conoscenza approfondita del
territorio, siamo in grado di farvi vivere un’esperienza indimenticabile alla scoperta delle bellezze
della Sicilia Orientale.
Siamo un team eterogeneo, che unisce profili diversi, dalla formazione universitaria alle esperienze
lavorative in Italia e all’estero, competenze e attitudini personali, ma tutti con un obiettivo comune:
valorizzare il nostro territorio, trasmettere ai viaggiatori la passione per la nostra storia e la nostra
terra e amare il nostro lavoro.
Ancora con il dubbio Dove andare in Sicilia? Affidati alla migliore agenzia di tour guidati, LemonTour.
Perche’ noi
Rendiamo il processo facile
I migliori tour guidati in Sicilia
Siamo un team qualificato composto da guide naturalistiche.
Fiducia e sicurezza
Agiamo in conformità delle normative riguardo il COVID-19 per garantirti la sicurezza.
Miglior prezzo
Offriamo servizi turistici per scoprire le bellezze della Sicilia a buon prezzo
Bei paesaggi
Ti guidiamo al fine di scoprire i paesaggi mozzafiato della Sicilia orientale
Vaggio appassionato
Il nostro obiettivo è di soddisfare la tua passione per i viaggi
Prenotazioni veloci
Prenotare un viaggio è facile e veloce.
Fantastici tours
Tipi di tour
Clienti contenti
Certificate of Naturalistic Guide - Sicily Region - FederEscursionismo Sicilia - AIGAE
It is an Environmental Hiking Guide, otherwise known as the Naturalistic Guide, who, for professional activity, accompanies safely, on foot or with other non-motorized means of transport (except for the use of the same to reach the places of visit), single persons or groups in natural environments, including snow-covered ones, also ensuring the necessary technical assistance and carrying out teaching, education, interpretation and environmental dissemination activities and education for sustainability.
Tourist Guide License - Sicily Region
The license certifies the skills required to accompany individual persons or groups of tourists to visit museums, galleries, archaeological excavations, works of art and sites of tourist interest, of which illustrates the characteristics and the scenic, artistic, historical and cultural attractions. This professional figure should not be confused with that of the tour leader, who is instead limited to assisting and providing information to tourists, sometimes accompanying them even on the sites of interest, but without conducting guided tours.
Tourist Guide License
The license certifies who takes care of welcoming and accompanying single people or groups of tourists on national and international trips on tourist programs previously arranged by the organizers. He mainly deals with the processing of bureaucratic and administrative requirements and all customs and administrative formalities in travel abroad. Provides information on travel and the areas visited, beyond the areas of competence of tourist guides; provides accommodation for customers in hotels; handles requests and customer complaints; favors harmony within the group. At the end of the visit, he takes care of the administrative closing obligations.
Certificate of Professional Qualification KB
The KB or even CAP certificate (Certificate of Professional Qualification) certifies the ability to drive taxis, cars and motorcycles (over 1.3t) for hire with a driver.
Registration in the role of non-scheduled public service drivers
Indispensable requirement from which then the release of the taxi license and the authorization of the rental service with driver follows. Enrollment in the provincial role is an indispensable requirement for the issue by the municipality of the license to operate taxis and the authorization for the rental service with driver. The role is divided into two sections intended for the registration of drivers of cars, motorbikes, boats and animal-drawn vehicles in service of: a) Taxi b) Rental Registration for the role is also necessary to provide driver activities of vehicles or vessels used for non-scheduled public services as: replacement of the holder of the relevant license or authorization for a defined time and / or for a specific journey; company employee authorized to rent with driver or as a substitute for the employee for a specified time.
Enabling Rental Service With Driver
The car rental service with driver is aimed at all the specifications that require, at the carrier’s office, a pre-established service in time and / or travel. The parking of the vehicles takes place within the remittances. The rental service with driver is a non-scheduled public service with a car that provides for the collective or individual transport of people and is included, at the request of the subjects transported, in a non-continuous or periodic way, on itineraries and according to scheduled times once Volta.